Wednesday 21 February 2018

TV Drama: Textual Analysis clip

Watch the opening sequence of the TV crime drama Cuffs. The extract lasts until 3.29 mins and you should make notes on a textual analysis grid looking at:

  • Camera
  • Editing
  • Sound
  • Mise en scene

Task: Answer this exam-style question in your book. 

The question is worth 10 marks and so you will need to write just over a side in your book. Deal with each bullet point in turn and remember to use media terminology to describe the examples from the extract in your answer.

Analyse how far the extract depicts the police's point of view rather than the criminal point of view. In your answer you must:

  • analyse aspects of the extract using examples to support your analysis
  • judge how far these aspects depict the police's point of view.

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