Monday 9 April 2018

Making Media

Copy down the details for your Making Media Production project into your books.

Making Media Project: You are going to create an original magazine extract of your own. You will make a front cover and double-page spread.

Create at least five original images (e.g. photographs, illustrations, art work),
however some found images are permitted in addition to the required minimum
of five original images.
Front cover:
• Original masthead/title.
• Strapline.
• Cover price, barcode, edition number.
• Original images: at least one main cover image.
• At least six cover lines one of which must link to the double page spread
Double page spread article:
• Headline, stand-first and sub-headings.
• Original images: one main article image and at least three other images.
• Feature article of approximately 300 words that links to one of the cover lines
on the front page.
This project is worth 30 marks.

Task: Begin the pre-production research task:
You need to find five magazines front covers and create a powerpoint presentation.

  1. Label the conventions of the magazines being used on each example.
  2. Who is the audience for the magazine?
  3. What is the magazine focusing on (subject content)?

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