Monday 30 October 2017

Cuffs - Analysis

We're going to watch Cuffs and try to identify some of the techniques used in the making of the programme.

Make notes on the use of the following:

  • Continuity editing
  • Shot reverse shot
  • Cross cutting
  • Fast pace editing
  • Establishing shot
  • Point of view shot
  • Aerial shot
  • Hand held camera
  • Steadicam
  • Tracking shot
  • Diegetic sound
  • Non-diegetic sound

Moving Image Glossary

Sunday 8 October 2017

TV Crime Drama - Media Representations

Media representations: how the media portray events, issues, individuals and social groups.

With reference to episode 1 of Cuffs you need to make notes on all the following:
  • Events that take place in the episode (what are they?)
  • Issues that the episode deals with (first decide what they are)
  • How individuals are represented (first identify what individuals are represented)
  • How social groups are represented (again, first identify what social groups the episode identifies)
You'll also be thinking about the following at some point soon:
  1. Social Context – how media products reflect the society in which they are produced and that of their target audience.
  2. Cultural Context – how media products reflect the arts and culture, including popular culture, of their time.
  3. Historical Context – how media products reflect historical events and social changes.
  4. Political Context – how media products reflect political viewpoints, messages, values and beliefs.

TV Crime Drama Conventions

The following are things that are normally seen (conventions) in TV crime drama:

  • Car chase
  • Villains
  • Police jargon
  • Rookie cop
  • Experienced tougher cop
  • Dramatic music
  • Detectives
  • Violence/ fighting
  • Tension between characters and in scenes (both between cops and in knife fight)
  • Teamwork
  • Hierarchy - the bosses and the other ranks
  • Victim
  • Mystery - e.g.: who was the man at the end of the episode
Referring to episode 1 of Cuffs add examples to each convention.