Sunday 23 October 2016

Action Adventure Film Posters - Preparatory Work

Period 1 Monday 24th October

As part of your coursework you will need to design two posters (a teaser poster and a main poster) for an action adventure film (of your own creation) aimed at a teenage audience.

In today's lesson you need to make progress on the following:
  • Decide on the sort of action adventure film you will be making the poster for.
  • Choose a suitable title for your film.
  • Decide on a tagline for your title - on the poster above the tagline is "Welcome to the home of the brave".
  • Write a brief plot outline for your film - what happens in the film plot wise.
  • Decide on the stars who will appear in your film - ensure they are stars who will appeal to teenagers. Explain why you have chosen them.

You need to aim to finish this in Miss Marvin's Monday's lesson. In Mr Ford's lesson you will move on to your poster flat plans.

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