Tuesday 25 April 2017

Poster Evaluation - From The Specification

The production exercise should be supported by an evaluative commentary, reflecting on decisions made and explaining how codes and conventions and media language have been employed to convey messages about representation. As with the comparative analytical assignment, the commentary may be written or submitted as a podcast or a slide presentation such as PowerPoint.

As guidance, the commentary should be around 350–750 words in length; or 5–10 slides if using a PowerPoint style presentation; or around three minutes for a podcast.

In the commentary, the following areas must be covered in whatever form the candidate has chosen:
  • an account of the research and planning carried out
  • how the production is targeted at a particular target audience
  • an explanation of the ways in which media language has been used in the production exercise to communicate representation
  • an explanation of the ways in which codes and conventions have been used in the production exercise to communicate representation
  • an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses within the finished production.

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