Thursday, 7 December 2017

TV Drama: The Opening Title Sequences

Task: Watch the title sequence from The Avengers and answer the following questions in your book.

  1. How does the music style suggest what genre the show is?
  2. What does the typography of the graphics suggest about the show's era?
  3. Explain how Patrick Macnee's character is represented via costume, props and facial expression.
  4. How is the flower prop used to link the two characters together?
  5. Explain how Diana Rigg's character is represented via costume, props and facial expression.
  6. What does the term 'teleplay' mean or what is the modern terminology? Why do you think The Avengers is called this?
  7. How is editing linked to the music?
  8. How are the use of props and body language used to present the characters towards the end and what are the audience expectations of the show as a result?
Extension Task: Compare this opening sequence with the one below by picking out the similarities and differences and explaining what they suggest about how television technology has developed and how audience expectations have changed.

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