Friday 8 June 2018

Making Media Work To Do

By the end of this half term, you will have made your magazine front cover and double page spread. It is important that you keep on track with the tasks you must complete. Here is a list of the work to do ahead of the deadline Friday July 6th. It is organised on a week-by-week basis, so make sure you know what you need to get done each week in lessons and at home.
Here is a list of the tasks to complete:


  • Magazine research. What magazines are on sale in the UK currently? How many people buy magazines and why? What kind of magazines are available?
  • Media Audience - Target Audience appeal. Look at how magazines appeal to their readers using lifestyle ideology and representation to create appeal.
  • Genre - music magazines. Make a list of the music magazines you have found during your research.
  • Media Language - conventions. You need to deconstruct a front cover and double page spread of a music magazine of your choice. 


  • Create a questionnaire for your audience to answer using the Survey Monkey website. Ask questions that will help you make design decisions about your own product.
  • Flat Plans - draw out your magazine front cover and double page spread, thinking about fonts, layout, branding, colour and graphics. Label your flat plans to explain some of your decisions.
  • Write your Statement Of Intent (300 words) - outline your plans for your magazine product, discussing what the pages will look like and the reasons behind your creative decisions, how people and topics will the represented and how your target audience will be attracted to the product.
  • Photoshoot planning - plan your mise-en-scene (costume and lighting) ahead of your photoshoot. Organise your models, camera and lighting equipment. Pick your location(s) for your photoshoot (you can choose two different locations such as the school AV Studio - which is a white room -  and another setting).


  • Take your original images and create a digital contact sheet where you can select the FIVE best shots for your magazine.
  • Create your magazine front cover.
  • Write your magazine article (300 words)
  • Create your double page spread.


  • Evaluate your work

Schedule of work:

May 8th: 
  • Complete research of current magazines on the market.
  • Deconstruct a Front Cover and Double Page Spread.
May 13th
  • Research Magazine Target Audiences.
  • Look at how audiences are targeted by magazine companies (representation and ideology for appeal).
May 21st
  • Continue research, looking closely at music magazines.
  • Create questionnaires for potential readers and collect data.
  • Begin initial planning of original magazine idea.
June 4th
  • Planning for Target Audience based on Target Audience Research data.
  • Draft - draw up flat plan of front cover.
June 11th
  • Write your Statement of Intent.
  • Analyse your questionnaire data.
June 18th
  • Planning - draw flat plans of front cover and double page spread ideas.
  • Planning photo shoots and casting models.
  • Create mood boards for styling models to fit with music concept.
  • Take original images.
June 25th
  • Taking original images during planned photo shoots.
  • Writing copy for double page spread article.
  • Creating first draft magazine elements - front page and double page spread.
July 2nd
  • Production of first draft magazine elements.
  • OR Respond to feedback and create final draft magazine elements.
July 9th
  • Complete first draft magazine elements.
  • OR Respond to feedback and create final draft magazine elements.

Task: Create a Making Media Blog. You need to create your own blog. This will give you a place to present all of your work and show how you worked through the production tasks to achieve your final production.

You will need a Google account to set up your own blog using Blogger. You can find Blogger from the Google homepage.
Your address needs to have these exact details in it, so follow these instructions carefully.

Your blog address must have your full name (first and surname in full) plus

So Mr Eason's would be:

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