Sunday 4 November 2018

Researching TV Crime Drama

Today, you need to look at other TV Crime Drama broadcast on the BBC and on ITV. You will look at each show and consider how they fit the codes and conventions of a TV Crime Drama. You can find your own programmes if you would like to. These suggestions are there to help you.

Task One: Watch each trailer and then answer the questions at the bottom of this blog post on a word document entitled TV Crime Drama Research Task. You must answer the questions for each programme you choose. You will need to print this out and tag into your book next lesson.

BBC TV Crime Drama Suggestions

  1. How is mise en scene used to make it clear to the audience that the programme is TV Crime Drama genre?
  2. How do the main characters in the trailers clearly fit the crime drama genre?
  3. How is sound used to convey the TV Crime Drama genre?
  4. How is the programme branded as a BBC or ITV product?
  5. What do you think makes the TV Crime Drama suitable for the target audience?
Extension Task: Once you have collected your evidence, you need to write your ideas up in your book (or on another Word document if you prefer). The title is Compare how commercial and public service broadcasters create TV Crime Drama for their audience.
You should think about the similarities and differences across the BBC and ITV programmes. Compare how the codes and conventions of the genre are used, explain why different stations might need different ways to engage mass prime time audiences or smaller niche audiences and explain how the two broadcasters have different demands on them (advertisers or BBC charter demands). 

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