Wednesday 22 May 2019

Representation in Magazines

Task: Read this MOJO media pack and answer the following questions (in full sentences) in your book.

  1. How long has MOJO magazine been around?
  2. What is 'at the heart' of MOJO magazine?
  3. Why do legendary artists agree to work with MOJO magazine?
  4. What is MOJO's mission?
  5. Complete the quote 'If you're featured in MOJO magazine _________________'
  6. What kind of genres of music does MOJO magazine celebrate?
  7. What is the demographic, the mean age, and ABC1 profile of MOJO magazine?
  8. What bands does the average reader (Dave) listen to?
  9. What type of technology does the reader think is the most authentic?
  10. What percentage of MOJO readers have been to a gig in the past year?
  11. What three ways can MOJO magazine be  accessed?
  12. The digital version of the magazine has what percentage of the music magazine audience share?
  13. What is Paul Weller's favourite magazine?

Task 2: Find your own magazine front cover or use the We Love Pop front cover here and complete the table below. You can work in pairs for this task so you can discuss your ideas before writing detailed notes on the handout.

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