Sunday 4 December 2016

10W - Work To Do (Monday 5th December - Thursday 15th December)

This week (5th - 7th December) your lessons are with Miss Marvin (Monday period 1) and Mr Ford (Wednesday period 5).
Next week (12th - 15th December) your lessons are with Mr Ford (Monday period 5 & Thursday period 3 ) and Miss Marvin (Tuesday period 2).

You should have already done the following:
  • Completed all the research tasks here
  • Completed audience profiles here
  • Flat plan/ mock up of both posters (teaser and full)
  • Added all your text to both posters
  • Found an appropriate background image to use on both posters
  • Found appropriate images of actors (make sure images are large)
  • Added the images to your posters (pay attention to size of each image)
  • Decided who your own star will be
  • Taken photos of your star (take at least 20 photos)
  • Added the star image to  your posters
You need to use the first three lessons this fortnight to finish your draft posters.
The final two lessons will be devoted to answering the draft evaluation question.

  1. Remember to use your checklist - tick off the different pieces of work as you complete them and add them to your folder.
  2. Keep looking at real posters for ideas
  3. Keep looking at real posters for size comparisons of text and images

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