Thursday 1 December 2016

Draft Poster Evaluation Questions

Answer the following questions. Refer to both your draft posters (teaser and full poster)

You need to include as much detail as possible for the following areas:
  • Colours - Why did you choose them? What effect/mood do you think they create?
  • Text - Consider its placement and the decision making process you went through. Why did you place it where you did? Why did you choose those fonts? What size worked best?
  • Images - Write about the styling of the image, either on the photoshoot or in post production with PhotoShop effects. Why did you place the images where you did? How did you decide on the background imge? Are any images found images and not original? Why did you choose them?
  • How can the audience tell that this is a poster for an action/adventure film? 
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of your work?

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