Sunday 19 March 2017

Essay Planning

Essay Planning

Your task for this lesson is to plan your essay.

1. Download this tip sheet and read the first two sections very carefully. This sheet contains higher level vocabulary that you need to include in your essays.

2. Decide on a structure for your essay.

You can use choose your own structure or structure your work in a similar way to the example essay. You may use headings to structure your essay.

Suitable headings might be:

  • Brief plot outlines
  • The Hunger Games - write about representation in the film (refer to mise en scene, camerawork, editing, sound)
  • The Amazing Spiderman -  write about representation in the film (refer to mise en scene, camerawork, editing, sound)
  • Comparison of representation in The Hunger Games and The Amazing Spiderman

3. Make some notes that will help you answer the essay. One side of A4 should do the job.

4. Complete the extension task on the tip sheet. There are lots of statements about what a stereotype is which will help you to develop your analysis and discussion of teenage characters in your essay.

Representation of teenagers - planning

You need to decide on a structure for essay - then you need to make some notes that will help you answer the essay. One side of A4 should do the job.

You can use choose your own structure  or structure your work in a similar way to the example essay.

You may use headings to structure your essay.

Suitable headings might be:

  • Brief plot outlines
  • The Hunger Games - write about representation in the film (refer to mise en scene, camerawork, editing, sound)
  • The Amazing Spiderman -  write about representation in the film (refer to mise en scene, camerawork, editing, sound)
  • Comparison of representation in The Hunger Games and The Amazing Spiderman

10WMS1 - work schedule (2nd - 30th March)

Thursday 2nd March (Mr Ford)
Continue watching The Amazing Spiderman

Monday 6th March (Miss Marvin)
Finish watching The Amazing Spiderman

Wednesday 8th March (Mr Ford)
Analyse a scene from The Amazing Spiderman (finish for homework)

Monday 13th March (Mr Ford)
Analyse another scene from The Amazing Spiderman

Tuesday 14th March (Miss Marvin)
Finish analysing the second scene from The Amazing Spiderman

Thursday 16th March (Mr Ford)
Introduction to the essay question.
Read the exemplar essay.
Add sound and editing to your analysis.

Monday 20th March (Miss Marvin)
Start to compile a notes page to use when writing the essay.

Wednesday 22nd March (Mr Ford)
Finish compiling notes page for use in essay (complete for homework)

Monday 27th March (Mr Ford)
Essay lesson 1

Tuesday 28th March (Miss Marvin)
Essay lesson 2

Thursday 30th March (Mr Ford)
Essay lesson 3

Thursday 16 March 2017

Representation of teenagers - sound and editing

Re-watch the four scenes and make brief notes on the following:


  • diegetic sound
  • non-diegetic sound
  • synchronous sound
  • asynchronous sound
  • music - score and songs
  • fast paced editing
  • shot reverse shot
  • cross cutting
  • CGI

Year 10 Essay (B321)

The essay question you will answer is:

Compare how teenagers are represented in the action adventure films: The Hunger Games and The Amazing Spiderman.

As guidance, the essay should be approximately 800–1,500 words in length and this may be
divided into sections

You need to demonstrate:
  • detailed and thorough knowledge and understanding of the texts studied
  • thoughtful and insightful analysis and interpretation of the texts
  • understanding of how texts represent social and cultural messages and values,
  • including proficient identification and interpretation of those messages and values
  • understanding of how texts use media language and areas of representation
  • knowledge and understanding of the codes and conventions according to generic categorisations of media texts
  • accurate use of technical terms and medium-specific terminology, as appropriate
  • understanding of the effects of techniques on texts and audiences
  • confident comparison of media texts, as appropriate
  • appropriate use of some examples to support points made
  • personal insights and engagement with objects of study and concepts.

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Year 10 Essay - Potential Structure

Introduction: brief overview/ synopsis of the two films. refer to representation of teenagers in a general way.

Film 1 mise en scene: refer to specific examples from the clips
Film 1 sound: refer to specific examples from the clips
Film 1 editing: refer to specific examples from the clips
Film 1 camerawork: refer to specific examples from the clips

Film 2 mise en scene: refer to specific examples from the clips
Film 2 sound: refer to specific examples from the clips
Film 2 editing: refer to specific examples from the clips
Film 2 camerawork: refer to specific examples from the clips

Compare and contrast the two films.
Own opinion regarding representation of teenagers

Example essay

The Hunger Games the Amazing Spiderman Essay by neill ford on Scribd

Wednesday 8 March 2017

The Amazing Spiderman - Peter's High School Life

Analyse this clip using the same criteria and terminology that you employed on the scenes from The Hunger Games here.

This clip is shorter and more action packed - so it should be quicker and easier to do.

Remember to include details on the representation of Peter Parker as a teenager.