Thursday 16 March 2017

Year 10 Essay (B321)

The essay question you will answer is:

Compare how teenagers are represented in the action adventure films: The Hunger Games and The Amazing Spiderman.

As guidance, the essay should be approximately 800–1,500 words in length and this may be
divided into sections

You need to demonstrate:
  • detailed and thorough knowledge and understanding of the texts studied
  • thoughtful and insightful analysis and interpretation of the texts
  • understanding of how texts represent social and cultural messages and values,
  • including proficient identification and interpretation of those messages and values
  • understanding of how texts use media language and areas of representation
  • knowledge and understanding of the codes and conventions according to generic categorisations of media texts
  • accurate use of technical terms and medium-specific terminology, as appropriate
  • understanding of the effects of techniques on texts and audiences
  • confident comparison of media texts, as appropriate
  • appropriate use of some examples to support points made
  • personal insights and engagement with objects of study and concepts.

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