Sunday 19 March 2017

Essay Planning

Essay Planning

Your task for this lesson is to plan your essay.

1. Download this tip sheet and read the first two sections very carefully. This sheet contains higher level vocabulary that you need to include in your essays.

2. Decide on a structure for your essay.

You can use choose your own structure or structure your work in a similar way to the example essay. You may use headings to structure your essay.

Suitable headings might be:

  • Brief plot outlines
  • The Hunger Games - write about representation in the film (refer to mise en scene, camerawork, editing, sound)
  • The Amazing Spiderman -  write about representation in the film (refer to mise en scene, camerawork, editing, sound)
  • Comparison of representation in The Hunger Games and The Amazing Spiderman

3. Make some notes that will help you answer the essay. One side of A4 should do the job.

4. Complete the extension task on the tip sheet. There are lots of statements about what a stereotype is which will help you to develop your analysis and discussion of teenage characters in your essay.

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