Thursday 6 June 2019

Music Videos: Tasks to complete today

TASK 1: Watch Little Mix's music video for Black Magic and then write a summary of the narrative (between 100-200 words).

TASK 2: Watch The Vamps' music video for Somebody to You and then write a summary of the narrative (between 100-200 words)

TASK 3: I would like you to take screenshots (SHIFT+Prt Scr) of the following shots in each music video and paste these into a word document.

  • Establishing Shot:
  • Mid Shot:
  • Close Up:
  • Two Shot:

Once you have found them all, label them for checking.

TASK 4: Copy down the following key terms you will need to know and include in your exam response.

  • Narrative: a type of music video that seeks to tell a story.
  • Performance: a type of music video that focuses on the band/artist and their 'performance' of the song.

TASK 5: Explain why you think that The Vamps and Little Mix have opted for a mixture of both of these elements.

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