Tuesday 30 January 2018

The Lego Movie: Uses and Gratifications Theory

Why do audiences consume any media product? Most media theorists agree it is because they need to fulfil certain needs and have tried to explain these needs. One famous theory is the Uses and Gratifications theory which lists why people are driven to buy media products.

Task: Make notes in your book about the uses and gratification theory:

Theory:  Blumler and Katz’ Uses & Gratifications theory:
  • Diversion – Where the audience can ESCAPE from their reality and immerse themselves in the text.
  • Inform & Educate – Where the audience LEARN something from consuming the text
  • Personal Relationship – Where the audience builds a close bond with a character or group of characters
  • Personal Identification – Where the audience can relate to a character or their situation
Here are some descriptions that might help you to use this theory:

Task: Explain at least two uses and gratifications of film using Blumler and Katz's theory. Refer to The Lego Movie Video Game to support your answer. 

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